All Classes and Interfaces

ApiaryContext provides APIs to invoke other functions and run queries.
The base class for Apiary functions.
ApiaryFuture is returned by asynchronously invoked functions.
ApiaryStatelessContext is a context for stateless functions.
ApiaryTransactionalContext is the base class for transactional function contexts.
ApiaryWorkerClient provides an interface for invoking Apiary functions from a remote client.
FunctionOutput stores the output of a function.
For internal use only.
A connection to a Postgres database.
PostgresContext is a context for Apiary-Postgres functions.
All Postgres functions should extend this class and implement runFunction.
For internal use only.
Enum class for provenance operations.
The base class for Apiary stateless functions.
For internal use only.
For internal use only.
VoltContext is a context for Apiary-VoltDB functions.
All VoltDB functions should extend this class and implement runFunction.