Class VoltContext

public class VoltContext extends ApiaryTransactionalContext
VoltContext is a context for Apiary-VoltDB functions. It provides methods for accessing a VoltDB database.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • apiaryCallFunction

      public FunctionOutput apiaryCallFunction(String name, Object... inputs)
      Description copied from class: ApiaryTransactionalContext
      Public Interface for functions.
      Specified by:
      apiaryCallFunction in class ApiaryTransactionalContext
      name - the fully-qualified name of the invoked function.
      inputs - the list of arguments provided to the invoked function.
      an FunctionOutput object that stores the output from a function.
    • checkPreviousExecution

      public FunctionOutput checkPreviousExecution()
      Description copied from class: ApiaryContext
      For internal use only.
      Specified by:
      checkPreviousExecution in class ApiaryContext
    • recordExecution

      public void recordExecution(FunctionOutput output)
      Description copied from class: ApiaryContext
      For internal use only.
      Specified by:
      recordExecution in class ApiaryContext
      output - the finalized output of a function.
    • executeUpdate

      public void executeUpdate(org.voltdb.SQLStmt procedure, Object... input)
      Execute a database update.
      procedure - a SQL DML statement (e.g., INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
      input - input parameters for the SQL statement.
    • executeQuery

      public org.voltdb.VoltTable[] executeQuery(org.voltdb.SQLStmt procedure, Object... input)
      Execute a database query.
      procedure - a SQL query.
      input - input parameters for the SQL statement.